The Best Golf Games For 3 Players

The Best Golf Games For 3 Players

The Best Golf Games For 3 Players

Sometimes you just can’t fill out a foursome or that friend drops out last minute, leaving you with a threesome. Let’s be honest, three is an awkward number for golf games as many games are a 2v2 format. Not to worry, this guide has all the best golf games designed for three players to play on the course!


Overview: Wolf has always been my go-to three-player game. Wolf is a dynamic game where players take turns being the ‘wolf’ which has a strategic advantage. The wolf gets to make the crucial decision to either choose a partner or play alone.

How It Works:

  • Each hole is assigned 3 points with players earning points on each hole. A dollar value is assigned to a point and paid out at the end.
  • Players rotate being the ‘wolf’ each hole. The wolf tees off last.
  • After each player hits their tee shot, the wolf must decide to choose them as their partner before the next player tees off. For example, once the second player tees off, the wolf can no longer choose the first player.
  • If the wolf does not pick a partner by the time it is their turn to tee off, they become a ‘lone wolf’. If they do pick a partner, the player who they are playing
  • If the wolf goes alone and beats the two other players, they earn all 3 points. If they lose, the other players earn 1 point each. If the wolf picks a partner, the player playing by themselves essentially becomes the lone wolf and can earn 3 points.

Example: Jessica is the wolf on the 6th hole. She decides to team up with Mark after he hits a good drive. Mark has the best score with a par which means both Jessica and Mark earn 1 point each. On the next hole, Mark is the wolf. After Jessica and Matt hit, he decides to play as the lone wolf. He wins the hole and earns 3 points.


Wolf might have the most variations of any other game which makes it even more fun and dynamic.

  • Blind wolf – the wolf can choose to go alone before any player tees off, which doubles the points.
  • On the last two holes, the player in last place is automatically the wolf giving them a chance to come back. You can also allow the wolf to call the point value for up to half of what they are down.
  • Lone wolf doubles – any time a player goes alone (either by choice, or by throwing the wolf) the points double.
  • Throwing – if the wolf chooses a player as their partner, that player can opt to ‘throw’ them which means they are now going ‘lone wolf’ (which can also double the points).
  • Carry-overs – if a hole is tied the points carry over to the next hole.
  • Birdie doubles – if any player wins the hole with a birdie, the points awarded on that hole are doubled.

Incorporating one or more of these variations can significantly increase the betting action. Imagine a game where each point is worth $1 – seems pretty benign, right? Let’s say, in the first three holes, no one goes alone but you are playing carry overs. The 4th hole is now worth $16. The wolf then goes alone, and wins with a birdie. This doubles the points twice which means the hole is worth 64 points or $64! When playing multiple variations that double the bet, the power of compounding quickly kicks in so be careful – you want everyone to remain friends after the round!


Overview: Skins is a popular game where each hole has a set value, and the player who wins the hole earns the skin. Since skins is based off individual scores, it can be played with pretty much any number of players.

How It Works:

  • Each hole is worth a ‘skin’ which is assigned a dollar value.
  • The player with the lowest score on a hole wins that hole’s skin.
  • If any two or more players tie for the lowest score, the skin carries over to the next hole and is available for all players to win.

Example: The 8th hole is worth 8 skins. If Mark has the lowest score on that hole, he wins 8 skins. If Mark ties with Lisa, the 8 skins roll over to the 9th hole, making it worth 9 skins.


  • Skins must be won with a par or better. In this variation, skins can only be won with a (net) score (if playing with handicaps) of par or better. If no players make a par or better, the skin is automatically carried over.
  • Validate - If a skin or skins are won by a player, they must ‘validate’ that skin by making a par or better on the next hole. If the player fails to validate their skin(s) they are forfeited and added to the skin total of the next hole.


Overview: Rabbit is a game where the players try to catch or free the ‘rabbit’ by having the lowest score on a hole.

How It Works:

  • The first player to have the low score on a hole captures the Rabbit (no ties). If on the next hole someone other than the holder of the Rabbit is the low scorer, the Rabbit is set free. Then the Rabbit can be won by the next player to earn the lowest score (again, no ties) on a hole.
  • Before another player can be "holder of the Rabbit" it must first be set free.
  • The player who ends the game as the rabbit, wins the money.

Example: On hole 15, John holds the rabbit. Steve wins the 16th hole, so the Rabbit is now set free. Two players tie on the 17th hole and then Mike wins the 18th hole to claim the Rabbit and end the game as the winner.


  • Double the bet each time the Rabbit is set free. This can increase the action as players fight to reclaim the Rabbit.
  • Create additional bets for who holds the Rabbit after 9 and 18.


Overview: this simple game focuses on a single action such as 3 putts or double bogeys.

How to Play:

  • Choose an negative action to designate as the ‘snake’. This is most commonly 3 putts or double bogeys.
  • Anytime a player 3 putts, they hold the snake.
  • If another player 3-putts, they then get passed the snake.
  • At the end of the round, the last player holding the snake has to pay the other players.

Example: on hole 3, Brad 3 putts and becomes the holder of the snake. On hole 9, Lisa 3 putts and is now the holder of the snake. On hole 17, Zach 3-putts and the snake passes to him. No one 3-putts hole 18, which makes Zach the loser and must pay the other players.


  • Double every pass – double the bet every time the snake passes to increase the action!

Three Putt Poker

Overview: this is a fun game that combines two great gambling games – golf and poker.

How to Play:

  • Bring a freshly shuffled deck of cards to the 1st tee. 
  • Everyone in the group contributes $5 to the pot to start.
  • Anyone who one putts receives a random playing card.
  • Anyone who three putts has to put another $5 into the pot.
  • At the end of the round, the player with the best poker hand wins the pot.


  • Add an additional card for a one putt Birdie and two cards for a one putt Eagle.
  • Create additional actions that can earn cards related to putting. For example, a sand save can earn 2 cards instead of 1.
  • Allow a player to steal a card if they birdie.
  • Make any player who 3 putts give a card back.

Tee Ball

Overview: Tee ball is a simple game where every hole is 1 vs 2 with the player with best tee shot squaring off against the other two players for a possible four points.

How to Play: After the tee shots are hit on the hole, the players in the best position is determined. This player will now play against the other two players for a possible four points. If the lone player has the lowest score, they win all four points. If one of the other players has the lowest score, the players on the two-man team earn two points each. Having the best tee shot carries the additional advantage of having a chance to win more points.


  • Any birdie that wins the hole, doubles the awarded points on that hole. For example, if the lone player wins the hole with a birdie, they win eight points instead of four.
  • If a hole is tied, the points can carry over to the next hole, intensifying to the action and pressure.

9 Point (aka 5-3-1)

Overview: this is a great 3 person game that awards points to each player relative to each other.

How to Play:

  • Assign a dollar value to a point.
  • 9 points are awarded on each hole.
  • The breakdown of points to each player is relative to each player’s score to each other
  • Point breakdowns of 5-3-1, 4-4-1, or 3-3-3 are awarded depending on scores.
  • At the end of the round payouts are determined by the difference in points relative to each player.


On the first hole, Tim scores a 4, Jon scores a 5, and Mike scores a 6. In this case, Tim gets 5 points, Jon, gets 3, and Mike gets 1. On the second hole, Mike and Tim both score 4 and Jon scores a 5. Mike and Tim would earn 4 points each and Jon would earn 1. On the third hole, all players tie with a score of 4 so each player earns 3 points.


  • If a player wins with a birdie, they earn all 9 points on the hole.
  • The player in last place can double the bet on the last 2 holes.

Bingo, Bango, Bongo

Bingo, Bango, Bongo is a fun and engaging golf game that rewards players for achieving specific accomplishments on each hole. The game assigns points for three different achievements:

  • “Bingo” for being the first player to reach the green.
  • “Bango” for being the closest to the pin once all players are on the green.
  • “Bongo” for holing out the ball first.

Players earn a point for each achievement they claim on a hole. For example, if you are the first to hit the green, you get a point for Bingo; if your ball is closest to the pin among those on the green, you get a point for Bango; and if you make the putt first, you get a point for Bongo. At the end of the round, the player with the most points wins. This format encourages various aspects of play and keeps the round competitive and fun for all skill levels.


Just because you don’t have a full foursome doesn’t mean you can’t have fun with some on-course games. These golf games will keep the round fun and competitive even if you only have three players in your group. Keep these golf games in your back pocket for the next time you tee it up with three people!


Fore! Cards on course golf games are a great way to spice up your next round of golf. Our games combine fun and strategy that will be sure to make your next round more exciting. Check out our games today!

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